Sunday, August 15, 2010

You Scream I Scream, We All Scream For Cupcakes and Platforms? ^_^

Now I know most of you are thinking, what is she talking about Cupcakes and Platforms?
No they are not making shoes in cupcakes style, if they did, shucks on sweet bread I would
wear them. Ah!!! but that's not the point of this post, the point is for me to share my two most
awesome things I like okay.....^_^

Soooo......the reason why I'm doing a post called cupcakes
and platforms, well because I had these little bad boys up here.
They were from a celebration at my church for the pastor.
And let me say they oooooolalalala sooo good.
Some cupcakes are dry, but these are room temperature.
That's why they remind me of these......
Remember in my latest blog I stated that I was tall over 6 feet, well
these are on my wish list from Nine West. I like the way the platform
is basically all the way back to the heel somewhat. Today's platforms
can be comfortable or painful, like swallowing a piece of cupcake and it
going down the wrong pipe. But I can tell these are not like that. So getting
them, after I make these suga babies.....

I found these cupcakes, and I they remind of thanksgiving and Fall time.
Just like these Crispy Creams......

I'm the type of person who doesn't follow the rules of fashion. Psshh I wear white,
any kind of white after labor day. I would even wear them in the late Fall, and through out
the Winter. I think I'm going buy these as well.

What's your color, tell me what's your color?

Suede black, black goes with everything.


Like I said before, step out the box, and be who God created you to be,
colorful and all, with a sweet tooth.

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