Thursday, August 12, 2010

Embracing Who We Are.

In the bible it says that all childish things shall be put away, and over the course
of time we as young adults have seek to try to do just the very thing.
People often look down upon young people, because you have certain ones
who want to be the bad apple and spoil the bunch. From my own perspective,
I refuse to see the rest of us perish because of a few who think it's okay not to behave or
not have any ambition at all. When I see young people or young adults strive for something
better, my heart begins to be filled with warmth, and when I don't my heart saddens, because you see
potential being waste. For me my goal is to help so that the next generation coming behind me doesn't
have to deal with these issues. I have chosen to focus on three particular people. One I have know for
9 years, the second for three years, and the last one was a meet and greet.

So shall we get started........
This young lady, who I'm very proud of, has
change so much since our days of High School.
She has went from being what some would call a
quite girl, to a very outspoken determine young
adult. Her style has evolved into a sophisticated look
of someone who willing to role up her selves and
get dirty with the rest of them. She does not only
have knack of capturing the very essence of beauty
around her, but almost the things people are afraid to
talk about.

Seeing that she is willing to step out the box,
not just with her style, but with her brains as
well. To me I have always stated this she is not
afraid to try something new. And to me that is one
of her best qualities as a lady.

As she sits and looks at our skyline
from where we live, I can gather that she
not only admiring the architecture of the city
building, but she contemplating when she will
make her next moved. If she ever wanted persons
to know anything, it would be
"Sky’s the limit and absolutely nothing is going to stop me of reaching my dreams…better believe it."
If you want to know more follow her blog

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